Tuesday, August 21, 2018

The Hombre In The Iron Mask!!

As Marvel entered the super-hero era, Stan et. al sometimes tried to inject a little bit of that success into their Western titles, especially the villeins:


Here's the cover of a reprint of that story, by Gil Kane:

It didn't take very long to bring the guy back:

A re-colored and re-dialogued version from a later reprint:

You can't keep a good villain down for long, as...

Sure, Iron Mask only got a blurb there, but it was a Rawhide Kid/Kid Colt team-up. That's gotta be your cover.

Iron Mask had one last try left in him:

And he brought The Circus Of Crime (ye olde West version) with him!!

Here's the cover from the reprint, with some retouching from John Romita:

Now, the resemblance to prominent Marvel bad guy Dr. Doom is kinda of obvious...

...but in all honesty, the "Western villain in an iron suit" wasn't all that original of an idea,to begin with:

Indeed, one or both of these incarnations might have been inspired by Ned Kelly, Australian outlaw of the 1870s, whose gang all dressed in handmade armor and masks for their final stand:

SPOILER ALERT: The whole gang except Kelly died in that showdown, and Kelly himself was severely wounded, so maybe the dressing up in "bulletproof" armor wasn't such a great idea.

Marvel's Iron Mask has a a couple of time-travel based appearances since then, and an alternate-universe version of him showed up in one of the Marvel Zombie series.

But surely there's some undeveloped story potential left. Maybe after his many defeats at the hands of Kid Colt, blacksmith/genius Don Hertz traveled to the east, and met the monks who would later make Doom's armor. Throw in a side trip to K'un-L'un, and stowing away on Kang's vessel (from the time Thor & Hawkeye went to the Old West!), and we start to have a story maybe?

That's why I'm not allowed to write comics.

1 comment:

  1. Huh! Never knew that about Ned Kelly. Of course, I only know who he is from the song "Kelly's Farewell", which starts like this:

    "Farewell to home in Greta, to my sister Kate farewell.
    It grieves my heart to leave you, but here I cannot dwell.

    "The brand of Cain is on my brow and the bloodhounds on my trail,
    And for the sake of golden gain, my freedom will assail.

    "But should they cross my chequered path, for all I hold on earth,
    I'll give them cause to rue the day their mothers gave them birth.

    "I'll shoot them down like kangaroos that roam the forest wide,
    And leave their bodies bleaching upon some woodland side."
