Thursday, July 19, 2018

The Goofiest Cover You've Never Seen--The Phantom Zone #3 (1982)

Sometimes you've just got to say...

...WHAT THE FRAK?!?!?!?

I guess that's what happens when you let the Howard The Duck team do a pre-Crisis DC series.

Somehow, this never became one of those "iconic" covers that everyone does homages to...

Of course, all of the covers of this mini-series were pretty goofy:

And of course, this next should have taken the place of Crisis #7 in our collective imaginations...

Gerber, Colan, Phantom Zone tomfoolery...I guess I'd better go Quarter Bin searching soon...

Phantom Zone #1-4 are from 1982


  1. A Gerber/Colan Superman (with the Justice League). I have to give that era's DC props for trying something really different. The art suffers from 1982 printing: Maybe they cleaned it up for the trade. (It features Zod, so there was a trade attempt to tie-in to the release of Man of Steel. I don't doubt any moviegoer who picked this up would have been badly confused.)

  2. Gerber and Colan huh? Well that explains the Ruby Thursday appearance they sneaked in from Marvel. Nice.
