Monday, July 9, 2018

Manic Monday--Saddest Flash Facts Ever?!?

A handy dandy chart from DC Nation #2 (2018) (Click to embiggen):

Not to be too harsh, because Josh Williamson is just doing what his editorial masters tell him to. But man, can we at least get our basic facts straight?

Well, no, the H stands for Hercules, guys. Captain Marvel (SHAZAM be damned) gets his speed from Mercury, which is the letter M in the acronym.

I mean, sure, Hermes and Mercury are just (putatively) the same god with different names. But unless you think the SHAZAM name is no longer an acronym, couldn't Williamson or the editors take 3 seconds to get it right?

But no, I'm not really upset about the foul up. Nor about the odd inclusion of Cheetah on this list. Hey, I guess if you're going to be the villain in an upcoming movie, they'll put you somewhere in the rankings.

No, the first thing that makes me said is...

So there's no real point to ever doing another Flash/Superman race, if Kal-El can't even "crack the top three."


But what really makes me sad is that, after all of the bleeting about how Rebirth was all about restoring "history" and "legacy," this list has no Jay Garrick. Or Johnny Quick. Or Jesse Quick. Or Max Mercury. Or Bart Allen. Or...

It's almost as if, two years after Rebirth, it's turned out that "legacy" was just a bit of false marketing to make fans forget exactly how much damage the nu52 did to the DC brand...



  1. Superman is 'unmatched in the air' (I don't think he should be faster flying than Barry running but...) but clearly shown in fourth place...flying.

  2. I completely agree with your comments concerning Jay Garrick, the Quicks, and Max Mercury. When DC dumped all their history and their delightful panoply of speedsters, I dumped DC.

  3. ^And you were right to do so, as history has already shown.
