Monday, July 30, 2018

Manic Monday Bonus--Perhaps Hydra Needs A Suggestion Box?!?

Just another day at Hydra HQ...

Yes, your number two has a perfectly cromulent question:

I'm sure he's got a reasonable explanation!

Sure enough.
See, I told you it was reasonable.

Oh, did you say two parts, boss?

HOLY CRAP!!! Human Resources is going to have a cow, sir!!

What? Two more will arise to take his place?

Well, OK, then, but you're in charge of their orientation!!

But lay off on the murdering your employees for a few weeks, maybe?

From Incredible Hulk #400 (1992)

1 comment:

  1. Ha ha, I remember this. Still have that issue all these years later.
    Damn good anniversary issue.
