Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Perhaps This Guy Was A Bad Example...?

Wow, what a crappy three days...

OK, perhaps I exaggerate.

Still, I did survive my hospitalization. But I've got a ton of diet/lifestyle adjustments to make if I don't want to prematurely join Mar-Vell. So my attention won't be fully on the blog for a few days. I imagine a thing or two will go up, with more-or-less full(ish) service next week.

Thank you to everyone for their kind words. And remember, take care of your bodies now, because someday they're going to turn on you, and you might not be as lucky as I was.


  1. Great Googally Moogally! I do hope that you are feeling better and getting well again.

    We miss you.

  2. Damn, man! I wish you well. Feel better soon!

  3. Feel better soon, thanks for all the quality reading you send out way!

  4. True dat, snell.I'm at Stage 2 cancer of the pharynx. When I discovered your blog I was fine. Not really, but what's a little throat problem, right? Right now its like Ant-Man is punching staples in my neck. Snell makes me laugh.

    Watch for signs of anything. All of you.

  5. Take it easy and get well soon, snell.
