Thursday, March 1, 2018

Hal Jordan Needed To Walk A Beat!

Poor, broody Hal Jordan wants to quit the Green Lantern Corps because feelings...

The Guardians point out that Hal is a whiny baby, and has responsibilities greater than one backward planet...

...and that he's kinda wasting "the most powerful weapon in the universe" fighting bank robbers.

Hal tries to answer...but he's unarmed in this battle of wits.

So, "get off your ass and do your job" is the little blue guys' message.

Of course, the Guardian eventually had Earth "home" bunches of Green Lanterns, and made Earth  home the new race of Guardians, so, you know, things change.

Still, this lead to Hal being (voluntarily) exiled from Earth for one year, while he got to know Sector 2814. What they never mention is that Coast City almost immediately fell to an unrestrained plague of muggers and jaywalkers...

But it was all for the best, as it was never going to work out with Carol, anyway...

From Green Lantern #149 (1982)


  1. "And so, whiny unemployed toy salesman Hal Jordan left the Earth... and there was much rejoicing."

  2. I can't argue with you there, George.

    Man, I love Hal, I really do...but he is just such a tool.
