Monday, February 26, 2018

Manic Monday Triple Overtime--The Old Order Changeth ...QUICKLY!!

Reminder... one point this was the Avengers line-up. Yeesh.

It is perhaps telling about how short-lived that line-up was that this pin-up didn't appear until months after that line-up had been shuffled offstage. Oops.

Also telling is that Jackson Guice had absolutely no idea what to do with Gilgamesh, so he just gets buried in the background. No wonder he was the Forgotten One!!

As for the idea of Reed being a hammock for sun-bathing/cheesecakey Sue, well, the less said the better. I'm pretty sure, from that look on his face, that Cap doesn't approve, either.

From Marvel Fanfare #45 (1989)


  1. I'm pretty sure that Sue is giving a hand job, or whatever you'd have to get L'il Reed going.

  2. For your delectation and amusement:

    "The Ballad of Captain America's Disapproving Face"!
