Thursday, February 1, 2018

Another Hidden Crossover/Art Lesson!

A couple of months ago, we took a look at a sub rosa Fantastic Four/Avengers crossover. They were unknowingly working on the same threat from different ends, as it were. And as John Byrne did the art for both issues, he drew the same scenes from different perspectives for each title.

Well, it's a couple of years later, and it's time for another "hey, what are you guys doing here" crossover, courtesy of Fantastic Four Annual #19 (1985) and Avengers Annual #14 (1985).

Let start with the covers, showing the same scene, first from the FF's perspective, by Kerry Gammill and Joe Sinnott:

Same scene, from the Avengers' point of view, cover by Gammill and Kyle Baker:

The interior art for both annuals was by Byrne, and we have one more panel of same scene/different viewpoint:

But here's where this crossover differs from the last one...because while we get several pages depicting the same scenes, they abandoned the different perspective part, and basically used the exact same set of pencil breakdowns for each story. And it makes for a fascinating lesson in the contributions of inkers, colorists, and even letterers.

First, the FF version--pencils by Byrne, inks by Joe Sinnott, colors by Glynis Oliver, and letters by Jim Novak:

And the Avengers version: same script, pencils by Byrne, inks by Kyle Baker, colors by Christie Scheele, letters by John Workman:

Fantastic Four version:

Avengers version:













Lots and lots of interesting choices and differences there, eh? Don't ever let anyone tell you that inkers and letterers and colorists don't make a huge difference!

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely brilliant. Many sincere thanks for posting this, Snell. I can see myself coming back and studying this for a long time.
