Monday, December 4, 2017

Manic Monday Bonus--This Is Why Schools Are Cutting Music Education!!

Who knew a musical career could be so dangerous?

We go back to the turn of the century, as a group of youths is just hanging around waiting for cell phones to be invented...

But it turns out that these kids are all musically inclined--and have big plans!

But it's not as easy for working class Hector Bauer!

Well, eventually, Hector makes the trip to the big city, so he can make the big time!


But Hector looks up his old pals, who are now all successful--and they're gonna help him out!

Ah, but the reviews are less than kind:

A good craftsman never blames his tools!

Yet, Hector is a classic villain, all right.

Well, soon enough, he makes his attempt, only to run afoul of Hawkman. Of course, it is only Hawkman, so the no-power no-talent guy beats him easily. And Hector's relentless, implacable plans go on!

Hiring mobsters to "ruin his lips"?!?!?!?  OK, that's pretty nasty. ow would that even work?!?

SCIENCE!! (But what if he switches to a woodwind?!?!)

What other exciting types of vengeance does Hector have planned?

Shatter his Stradivarius, which is the only instrument he can play, because man is he a total 1%er!!

How about...


Now let's go totally Dr. Phibes on these guys!

Let's actually cut up their brains!!


Or, you can just completely gaslight them by making them think playing their instrument will kill 500,000 people!

For a failed musician, this guy is a grade-A mastermind super-villain!!

Oh, don't worry, the Justice Society Of America stops him, and everyone lives happily ever after (except Hector).

The moral: Don't ever agree to perform a friend's "masterpiece." Or you will die horribly.

From All-Star Comics #19 (1943)

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