Monday, December 11, 2017

Manic Monday Bonus--Long Live The Revolution!!

Man, if there's anything I like better than a Red Tornado story,it's a Red Tornado story where the bad guys spout bad Marxism at you the whole time!!

Red Tornado is malfunctioning so badly that he can't use the JLA teleporter or signal device to get help--but he apparently is well enough to use the telephone to call a local electronics store to see if they have a tool he needs, and take a bus down there.

Yeah, makes no sense, but Red Tornado, right?

Unfortunately, the electronics shop has been taken over by...Marxist terrorists!!

Yes, they are laying it on thick. Thank you, Gerry Conway.

Don't worry...Red Tornado to the rescue!


Don't worry...Reddy has his second wind!

Nice prioritizing there, pal--get the costume changed first, then go after the terrorists. Sigh...

Prepare yourself for discussion that's more Marx Brothers than Marx:

I guess we have to rely on the civilian to save the super-hero!

Well, that was pretty bad.

I guess the lesson is that, when even a malfunctioning Red Tornado can beat you, your political philosophy might be doomed.

From World's Finest Comics #269 (1981)

1 comment:

  1. Wait, is that the Red Claw from the 90s Batman Animated Series? You live and learn.
