Sunday, December 10, 2017

Bold Fashion Choices--No, Not Nick Fury Bitten By Radiocative Fabric!

Let's talk about...

Who dat?!?

Birdie Phillips? Augustine Chacon? Is this a western, or a James Bond novel??

Nope, definitely a western:

Seem she's the Gingham Fury because...well, she wears gingham, and gets pretty furious at rustlers!


Birdie is pretty tough!

"The Girl In Gingham"!!

Now, Birdie does occasionally wear non-Gingham outfits:

But to the surprisingly fashion-aware owlhoots of the day, she has one defining characteristic:

"Remember, Joe? I was wearin' my flannel shirt, the red plaid one, and you wuz sporting that cute  gaberdine coat?"

Don't worry, she gets back into her gingham outfit before the end of the story. After all, if a western hero is defined by their clothing, well, they had best be wearing that clothing!!

Sadly, this was Birdie's only appearance...the comic was canceled, never to return. And Augustine Chacon got away at the end, too! Now we'll never know!!

NOTE: If you say or type "gingham" too many times, your brain/tongue/fingers will begin to play nasty tricks on you.


From Western Bandit Trails #3 (1949)


  1. Well..drawing all those little lines on her clothes is HARD, dontchaknow.

  2. Gonna be honest, from this small peek, I think I'd rather read about Birdie Phillips than half-a-dozen Gwen-Somethings or umpteen reboots of Captain Danvers.

    Perhaps not as the 'Gingham Fury', though.

    Fuh shuah.
