Sunday, November 26, 2017

The What League, Now?!?

Somehow, despite being stunningly inept, having shockingly bad CGI, featuring the worst villain ever, and tragically wasting Kirby's Fourth World concepts, the Justice League movie actually managed to be somewhat entertaining. It's a low bar, but it was better than Man Of Steel or BvS.

Still, there's something that needs to be said. That something involves some minor spoilers. So, if you don't want to be minorly spoiled, come back another time.

Spoilers commence after the 5 pictures of the League.

One of the very first scenes in Justice League features Batman torturing a burglar he's caught, in order to attract a parademon.

One of the last scenes has Wonder Woman using her lasso to force a criminal to confess all his crimes to the police. And remember, the Wonder Woman movie told us the lasso causes increasing pain if you try to resist. So, torture and no right against self-incrimination.

Maybe, just maybe, the DC Cinematic Murderverse may want to reconsider calling this franchise the "Justice" League. Because torture and denial of basic civil rights doesn't exactly equate with justice.

I'm. Just. Sayin'.


  1. I actually had a tiny bit of hope for the Justice League movie. Not much, but... nope, it's gone now.

    Maybe I'll go watch repeats of the Bruce Timm cartoon.

    (When you say 'worst villain ever', do you mean Zach Snyder?)

  2. there was a time, not all that long ago, when I would have been delighted to go see a Justice League movie. Alas, that time has gone.

  3. I've always thought that Diana's lasso (A better weapon than sword, shield or spear too, to be honest) should just be able to "tell" if someone is speaking the truth...not "compell" them, etc. 😊
