Sunday, November 12, 2017

The Key Word Is "Space"!!

New project, everybody!

It's time to make a SPACE dictionary, so we'll be able to describe all the exciting space stuff we'll be encountering in our space exploration future!

OK, fair enough. I'd prefer something sexier, like "impulse drive" or "nuclear thrusters," but I can see that we have to ease people into this.

Hmm...did we really need a space specific term? "Air lock" already works pretty well...

It makes as much sense as "iPhone" or "smart phone", I guess!

OK, I'm beginning to see a disturbing pattern here...

Look, if your "space dictionary" merely consists of putting the word "space" in from of other existing words, do we really need it? Shouldn't context be enough to let people know what you're talking about in most situations? Why not invent new words instead of making everything "space [blank]?"

Then again, it would explain "Space Cowboy."

So as I write this on my space keyboard attached to my space computer, I look out the space window to what today's space weather looks like.

Damn, that is pretty easy.

If there's an orbiting saloon, is it a space bar?

From Fantastic Worlds #5 (1952)

1 comment:

  1. Stop trying to control this alt-language. There’s no escaping or deleting it.
