Sunday, November 19, 2017

I'm Guessing Many 1990s Artists Never Read Ths Feature!

Guess what time it is, kiddies?

Now, I'm compelled to admit that I can't even draw a stick figure adequately, so all of the "here's how to draw" features in the universe wouldn't help me .

Still, this was in Treasure Chest Of Fun And Fact, a magazine aimed directly at school kids. So hopefully some potential artists found it helpful.

Frank Borth was the real deal. He created Spider Widow, drew lots of Phantom Lady, and did art for a lot of companies during the Golden Age.

After the war, he did an awful lot of work for Treasure Chest, and worked for over a decade on the syndicated newspaper strip There Oughta Be A Law. He also did some work for Cracked.

So Borth certainly had some street cred when teaching drawing.

Let's see...gotta keep proportion, head size is important, overmuscled bodies look like "sacks of lumpy wet cats"...I think we know who never read any of Borth's tips!

Ye gods.

From Treasure Chest Of Fun And Fact Vol 18 #14 (1963)


  1. Oh...Liefeld. No clue about anatomy, perspective, backgrounds... art.

  2. That's Hank Venture in the first panel!
