Friday, November 3, 2017

Friday Night Fights--Stranger Things Style!!

You know who I love?

I loves me some Benjamin J. Grimm. Especially in this week's Friday Night Fights!!

Doctor Strange is in some trouble, and he reaches out to bashful Benjy for help:


Strange has been captured by dickweed evil sorcerer Xandu, and he can't break out without Grimm's help!

And then Ben goes on to question the premise of every issue of Marvel Two-In-One!

Oh, yeah.

I trust writers will recall this when they try to portray Ben as stupid...

Spacebooger thinks a Ben Grimm solo film might be the way to restart the movie franchise.

Ben vs. supernatural beasties in Marvel Fanfare #20 (1985), by Jim Starlin and Al Milgrom

Now is the time for you to go and vote for my fight. Why? 'Cause Ben Grimm says so!! So go vote!!

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