Friday, November 17, 2017

Friday Night Fights--KA-ZARRQ Style!!

Man, I hate Norrin Radd.

So, in this Friday Night Fights, let's watch the whiny little bastard beg Galactus to take away his comic powers, because broody boy just wants to be a normal mortal again, and promises never, ever to complain again:

The boss says, "No."

Well, I guess it's time for a fight!!

Ah, poor Silver Surfer!!

Spacebooger thinks the last page should be accompanied by the "sad David Banner walking away from town music":

Surfer gets slapped down in Silver Surfer #102 (1995), by Ron Marz & Mike Friedman (plot), Mike Lackey (script), Tom Grindberg (art) and Bill Anderson (inker)

Now is the time for you to go and vote for my fight. Why? Look, do you want Galactus mad at you?!? Than go vote!!


  1. I always liked how Marz wrote Galactus not as cosmic and unknowable, but more like the Surfer's disgruntled boss.

  2. Great, now I can't picturing the Silver Surfer as Dilbert...

  3. I love the idea of Galactus needing a Herald, but geez...Norrin is just so...whiney.

  4. Probably said before, but the current Slott/Allred version is non-whiny and fun
