Monday, September 4, 2017

Manic Labor Day Bonus--Gotham's Dangling Conversation?!?

Y'all know my deep and abiding love for faux rock bands in comic books.

And then there's faux comic bands that play Gotham City...

And what's so special about Blister Twister?!?

A band that does only heavy metal versions of Simon and Garfunkel? That might be the most Gotham City thing ever.

And of course, being Gotham...

...a demented criminal mime attacks the show!

And the crowd goes wild!

Fortunately, you-know-who is on the scene...

...with Robin's help, he takes her out...

...and the crowd goes wild!!

But the show must go on!!

And Robin approves!

FACT: Max Alan Collins called titled this story "The Sound Of Silence." Me, I would have titled it "Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Mime." Or maybe "Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Crime."

Once again, you can see why I'm not allowed to write comic books.

From Batman #412 (1987)


  1. So that's where Disturbed got the idea from...

  2. I don't know... those are some pretty good titles!
