Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Damn You!! Damn You All To Hell!!

Man, I'm kinda stuck.

I'm trying to write some dystopian fiction, something post-apocalyptic.

But I can't seem to find a proper symbol, something that both demonstrates that this is the future of our world while simultaneously depicting how far we've fallen.

Something that shows the unthinkable has happened to our once-powerful culture...

...a one-time symbol of strength that is now in ruins, showing how far the world to come has fallen...

I need an instantly recognizable icon, so every reader can instantly grok where the story is set...

...yet that same icon is now decaying in an Ozymandian state of despair, so the reader can also instantly understand how for we've fallen.

I need some icon whose destruction would mirror our fears both militarily...

...and ecologically.

I need a landmark whose condition, at a single glance, depicts how far our society has fallen.

I'm looking for a symbol of hope and freedom that invading aliens would destroy not just once...

...but twice!!

Or, if not aliens, well, maybe dinosaurs?

Nah, it should probably be aliens.

I need an icon that's so versatile, shlocky film producers couldn't make up their minds how to destroy it.

I just can't seem to come up with an image shocking enough...

...devastating enough... convey how terrible this future is.

Well, don't worry...I'm sure I'll think of something...


  1. Maybe this book I read back in the early 80's could provide some inspiration?

  2. I got it! A half-buried colossal statue of Trump in a toga.

  3. Jonathan... that is a truly terrifying image.

  4. It doesn't even need to be half-buried to indicate something went horribly wrong.
