Sunday, August 20, 2017

Paste The Axis!

WARNING: This post contains some offensive racial characterizations.

In 1942, Fawcett had a big contest:

Paste The Axis?

So the readers had to cut out the quotes at the bottom of the cartoon, and paste them into the appropriate word balloon, as the Axis leaders "steal" Captain Marvel's magic word... it again the following month, as the blighters used the word...

...and the 3rd part of the contest required the entrant to come up with a 10 word (or less) patriotic slogan about how "every patriotic American can PASTE THE AXIS.":

Fawcett wasn't stingy with the prizes...there would be 744 winners!

A few month later, the results...

The results were printed over 3 pages, and there were so many winners they had to continue in the next issue!

Sadly, though, they never tell us what the winning 10-word slogans were, which would have been pretty interesting...

From Captain Marvel Adventures #15-17 (1942) and #23 (1943)

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