Monday, August 14, 2017

Manic Bat-Monday--The Lazy Batman!!

Professor Post has come up with a...unique...way to get rich!

OK, someone probably slipped some of that in my drink, because I'm lazy, too!

But how do you get rich that way?

Look, I'm no financial expert, but if the livelihood of your company depends on one man (and he's not named Steve Jobs), than maybe you need a corporate restructure. Can't someone else make decisions? Declare him sick and replace him?

So, it's a good scheme, but kind of low-key--hardly Doctor Doom material. Do you have any ways to expand this chicanery to a truly world-threatening strategy?

OK, now we're talking!!

Oh, you see him taunting a helpless Batman there? Well, it turns out that Bruce Wayne was on one of those boards Post is blackmailing, and Batman followed the crook to his lair.

But everyone forgets that the Golden Age Batman was vulnerable to chairs!!

And so...

Woo hoo!! Ladies and gentlemen, my new favorite character--Lazy Batman!!

Oh, don't worry, Robin saves him, and gives him an antidote.

Still, Lazy Batman is a good alternative to Travels-Around-The-World-Fighting-Multiversal-Level-Threats-While-Refusing-Anyone's-Help Batman...

From Detective Comics #61 (1942), as reprinted in Batman #258 (1974)

1 comment:

  1. White Martians? No problem? Darkseid? Cinch. Older bespectacled man with chair? Aiiieee!
