Sunday, December 18, 2016

The Man Of The Day After Tomorrow!!

It's time for the most fabulous Superman parody of all time!

No, not Mad's Superduperman!!

No, a full decade and a half before Kurtzman & Wood's poke at Kal-El, Timely Comics and Harry Douglas beat them to the punch:

Yup, Marmaduke Snood Jr. was Stuporman, "The Man Of The Day After Tomorrow"!!

Now, Superman hadn't been around for all that long yet, and perhaps they were a teeny bit afraid of getting sued, so Stuporman isn't as trenchant and detailed as Mad's parody. At times it plays as a more generic satire on all costumed heroes...

Stuporman likes to nap. Hell, who doesn't?

Stuporman thinks in code to deter telepaths!!

And, yes, he wears his underwear on the outside...

Stuporman does pull off feats that are worthy of the actual Man Of Tomorrow, though...

Damn, that's a good one.

Did I mention that Stuporman likes naps?

But that's just so he can save up energy to take down crooks!!

And Stuporman is well rewarded for his heroism, in the one currency that should matter to heroes:


From Daring Mystery Comics #6 (1940)


  1. Hey, don't sneer at naps. I'll bet Batman would be a happier person if he took naps.

  2. And Stuporman is well rewarded for his heroism, in the one currency that should matter to heroes: NAPS!!

    At last, a superhero I can relate to.

  3. I'm oddly getting somewhat of a THE TICK vibe off this, particularly with the outfit!
