Sunday, December 11, 2016

Popeye And The Redistribution Of Wealth!

Popeye has rescued Mr. Fullbank and his son from the wicked plans of Fullbanks' wicked twin brother.

Now it's reward time!

Well, you've got to wonder about the denominations of any bills (or coins?!?) which make that little bag add up to one million dollars.

But mysteries of the rich aside, Popeye and Swee'Pea are set for life now, right? Right...?


See--print journalism can be profitable!!!

Hey, wait a minute, Popeye--you just condemned that young newsie to all the terrible things you were afraid would happen to Swee'Pea!! You bastard!!

Of course, Popeye's attitude towards wealth would change a bit in future years, when he kept $21 million in captured pirate loot buried on his property...

From Dell Four Color $145 (1947)


  1. In Segar's strips Popeye was constantly finding millions in treasure or winning mounds of money in prize fights. Most of the money ends up being given away. He bought calculators for a school once and even opened a reverse bank where he gave money away. He was partial to brunettes with sob stories, IIRC, and that pissed Olive off ....

  2. Don't worry about losing that trust fund, Swee'pea. Ya'll never gets ta grow outta that... whatskever yer wearin'... anyways.
