Monday, November 14, 2016

Manic Monday Triple Overtime--The Prospector As A Metaphor For Life!

We haven't checked in on any grizzled prospectors lately, have we?

Well, Old Jim Lansing pretty well sums up life, in just 4 panels.

You spend years and years in abject failure...

...but when you finally find success, you can't enjoy it, because...

So you wander mad and alone through a torrid wasteland...

...and you die...

...never getting to share your success with anyone (save the vultures).

Happy Monday, everyone!!

From Western Crime Buster #8 (1951)


  1. well, from the point of the vultures, this story had a happy ending.

  2. The variation has some indigenous character (for this theme popped up in all sorts of locales) wander up and go "Huh, this shining metal....what is it good for? Can't eat it or nothin'" - and then throws the gold away and wanders off.

  3. B--nah, in this story, bad guys find the gold, and forged documents showing the prospector deeded his claim to them. Their plot is thwarted when it's revealed prospector was completely illiterate, and couldn't have signed his name...
