Friday, October 28, 2016

Friday Night Fights--Male Chauvanist Pig Style!!

It starts with a kick, but ends with a pinch in this weeks Friday Night Fights.

The Enchantress has is bored, so she imbues a mortal woman with the power of The Valkyrie so she can kick Hulk's ass. And so she does...

Yup. It's that easy to beat the Hulk, apparently...

Spacebooger is confused by the feminist agenda in this story...

Hulk goes down hard in Incredible Hulk #142 (1971), by Roy Thomas, Herb Trimpe and John Severin

Now is the time for you to go and vote for my fight. Why? I have no earthly idea. Just go and vote!!

1 comment:

  1. Plot armour is a fickle, um, mistress.

    But improbable wins aside (besides the Hulk having skin like hyper-kevlar and pressure points being a heretofore unexplored facet of asgardian martial arts, the Vulcan nerve pinch is unfortunately a load of hooey), remind me why Marvel thought it'd be a great novelty to have Jane Foster as a gender-swapped Thor?
