Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Your Tax Dollars At Work--Duck And Cover!!

For you youngsters wondering why those of who grew up during the Cold War are so frakked up:

You trying growing up while the federal government is producing comic books and cartoons and cute jingles assuring you that thermonuclear destruction could happen at any moment!

Of course, there was a film you had to watch, too...

Seriously, it's a miracle that we all didn't go insane...

Comic and film from 1951


  1. Seriously, they were trying to dumb it down for the kids. No "watch out Bert! The Soviet Union in going to Nuc us and blow everything up and you will die and stuff but don't worry, if you use a coat to pull over your head it will protect you from all the nuclear radiation."

  2. Everyone knows that a schooldesk is better than a bomb shelter!

  3. The ones closest to Ground Zero would be the lucky ones! They'd be turned into charcoal briquettes instantly regardless of whether or not they "ducked and covered". No slow, agonizing death from radiation poisoning...
