Monday, June 13, 2016

Manic Monday Double Bonus--Well, You Wanted Lois And Superman To Be Married...

It's finally happening!! The wedding we've all been waiting for!!

What the FRAK?!?!?!?!?!?

It case that didn't cause you enough nightmares, let be blow that up:

You see, Lois kind of stumbled into a hidden magical kingdom, because DC, and it's king, who was ashamed of his looks, managed to trade body types with Kal-El, because magic, and...

 Never fear, dear reader--Lois is made of sterner stuff than that!

Oh, Lois...

[SPOILER ALERT: Superman gets turned back to normal when Lois throws a rock at the royal wizard and knocks his magic hat off. The end.]

From Superman Family #181 (1977)


  1. This... is actually a surprisingly mature attitude for Lois.

  2. Wasn't 1977 a bit late for plots that were barrel-scrapers even for the Silver Age?

  3. The Silver Age lasted much longer at DC--especially in the Superman titles--than it did at Marvel...
