Monday, April 18, 2016

Manic Monday Triple Overtime--Frank Miller And The Dog Apocalypse!

Frank Miller (no, not that Frank Miller) is having a bad day...

Or, maybe he's just off his medication?

Well, he goes to a friend's crib, and lays out his theory:

Wha? Cute dogs?!?! A threat?!?!? However could that be?

See--that's why you shouldn't teach evolution in school--it's gives your unstable teacher paranoid fantasies!!


Ahh...the absence of evidence is actually the proof!! So obvious!!

All righty, then, Frank Miller is looney tunes, right?

Damn them! Damn them all to hell!!

So Frank goes home to fetch his dog, and they prepare to...hypnotize him!!

Take my word for it--hypnotizing a dog isn't any great feat...

Well, that solves that...

Well that's all settled, and now Frank can adjust his dosage, and...

Wait--there's more?!?


This is all Siskoid's fault...

From Journey Into Mystery #62 (1960), as reprinted in Fear #6 (1972)

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