Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Beware Of Pigeons!!

Gang boss Gat Arat (really, that's his name) has a new master plan!

Once the packages are distributed to rooftops across town...

Never laugh at your boss...

...especially when he's holding exploding pigeons!!!

And so the reign of terror begins!

Man, Hitchcock wishes he could have made a bird movie this scary!!

Woo hoo!

Well, long (and kind of boring) story short, Gat Arat threatens to nleash even more exploding pigeons on the city unless he's paid off, Blue Beetle thwarts him, the end.

So, yeah, pigeons are a menace to whatever city you live in...

From Mystery Men Comics #23 (1941)


  1. Wait... did he use that lady to break his fall?

  2. Were these pigeons hypnotized by Pharaoh the Cat from yesterday?
