Monday, March 28, 2016

Manic Monday Triple Overtime--The Most Crime-Ridden City In America?!?

Captain America and the Falcon and hunting for clues to the origin/location of villain-posing-as-hero Moonstone, and Steve manages to put 2 and 2 together!

Of course Steve Rogers knows trivia and the claim to fame of every American city. Of course he does.

But, it turns out that Moonstone isn't the only baddie haunting the Nashville environs:

True, Sean Cassidy--no one would think to look for the Banshee at a Merle Haggard concert.

Oh, yeah, this was back when Banshee was not-exactly-a-good-guy-and-on-the-run-from-the-Secret-Empire

Oh, hell, while we're here, let's look at banshee in full Sal Buscema and Vince Colletta glory:

Oh, yeah, this was also the era when Sean's face got all ugly when he used his powers:

Anyway...Moonstone hailing from Nashville, Banshee hiding out in Nashville...what the hell was going on there?

I don't know if I have any Nashville readers, but be careful out there, OK? Especially at Merle Haggard concerts or the museum...

From Captain America #172 (1974)


  1. I've never been there to check, but I've heard that if you walk into a pub in Ireland, you are more likely to hear country music than you are to hear traditional Irish music....

  2. All I can say is, Banshee must have seen one hell of a plastic surgeon between here and GIANT-SIZED X-MEN #1...

  3. You know, I can sort of (but only sort of) half understand why Cap and the Falcon might be wearing their costumes under their street clothes...but what possible reason could Banshee have had for doing the same?

  4. I used to be a regular at a pub that played three sets every night: one Irish, one country, and the third was when the band was so drunk they couldn't remember which was which.
