Thursday, February 11, 2016

Why Office Space Is So Expensive In Marvel's New York City!

The Molecule Man's consciousness has taken over Reed Richards' body!

At least, he's trying to. But Reed is fighting back!

But the bad guy has a pretty good tactic to compel Reed's cooperation:

OK, he may be evil...but that is just about the coolest thing ever!

Well, Reed backs down...

Well, parking is more convenient now...

Oh, don't fret, the building got put back into it's regular location, no worse for the, every single person in the building got famous from giving interviews to the media...and the landlord had justification to raise the rents. Everybody wins!!

From Fantastic Four #188 (1977)


  1. That walking building blew my tiny bronze age mind back in the day... you forgot to mention though that it came back in a Hostess Fruit Pies advert and was smashed to rubble by The Thing :(

  2. Thanks for reminding me about that, Jason. I had forgotten about it...
