Sunday, February 7, 2016

Spider-Man's 1970s Mind Games!

Do you really need more proof that the best Spider-Man was 1970s Spider-Man?

The 1970s was a time when, if you ran out of other story ideas, you could just trot out the "make Spider-Man go mad by making him think that he's fighting all of his bad guys at once" trope...

The beauty part? You could keep doing it...

...again and again!!

The thing is, we were all so drugged up and discoed out that we'd never even notice!!

Before you mock the poor 1970s Spider-Fan, remember that this type of thing still happens, as big franchises wheel out the exact same plot as prior entries, and we applaud them for it (*cough* *cough* Force Awakens *cough*)...


  1. Wat ru talking about? :/ the main plot of The Force Awakens was "We have to find Luke"/"Where's Luke?", presumably so they could convince him of his mistakes & get him to help in the rebuilding of the new Republic (which he didn't experience, so has no first-hand knowledge of it's workings...unlike Leia, who has first-hand knowledge & was an actual Senator inthe old Republic :D ) by overcoming his failures with his first round of Jedi trainees...the power struggle between the new Republic & the First Order n' the aerial dogfights/Starkiller Base (which may or may not all belong to us ;) jus' sayin' :P ) r jus happenstance & nostalgianism to that goal, imo :) case in point, the first movie didn't end with Obi-wan trying to recreate the Jedi order, even though the greatest Jedi master *EVAR*, Yoda, was still alive & well & episode 7 didn't end with everyone championingly getting crowned with medals :) ...& no Chewie jokes :D he prolly requested a crapton of spicy meatfoods instead ;)

    1. On that note, you honestly don't realize how *sad* Han's death scene is until you think back to episode 6...literally the previous issue in the installment(!), where Chewbacca is so overjoyed at his friend's return that he literally hugs & kisses him *all over tha place* ("I'm alright, pal...I'm okay!" :D )...*awwwWWW" :P

      I mean, even if he gave them some "alone time" for their honeymoon period, it's still very likely that uncle Chewie, at some point, held little baby Kylo (...i mean "Ben", oops :( "who names their kid 'Kylo'?" :P right? ;) here's hoping he finds his soulmate in the next installment, "Olyk Stimpy" ;) "Olyk! ...You *EEE-diot!!!", lol) in his arms as a baby...& now just watched what is probably his *godson* kill his best friend right in front of him :( again, "...awwww" :( excuse me...i have to go cry now :P

    2. PS: "Who's there?!", "...Someone who loves you" :) :D ;)

  2. We've been telling the same story for thousands of years. No need to get edgy.

  3. The same story about a backwater kid getting swept up in an interplanetary war where starfighters zoom in close to exploit the weakness of a giant round space-weapon?

