Monday, December 21, 2015

Manic Monday Triple Overtime--This Is Why There's No Super-Hero Named Baader-Meinhof!

Long story short, T'Challa is being held prisoner in the racist African nation of Rudyarda, so Ben and Johnny go to give him a hand:

Wait one danged minute? "Black Leopard"?!?!?! Has Roy Thomas made an unbelievable error?


Don't panic, Marvelites--that little name change lasted all of 5 minutes.

You do wonder how many other comic book good guys have changed their names, even temporarily, in order to avoid connection with some real world group/person which might have negative connotations with readers.

DC's Isis hasn't appeared under that name since ISIS became well-known to the public. Geoff Johns did have Adrianna Tomaz come into power during Villain's Month in 2013 (sigh), but she was never identified as Isis. As near as I can tell, she hasn't appeared anywhere else since. Are they saving her until it's safe to use the name (and protect the trademark) again? Just can't come up with a new name? Or, with Geoff Johns' down to writing one book that's increasingly segregated from the rest of the Nu52, is there no one else at DC interested in using her?

Any other examples you guys can think of of characters who changed their name, even temporarily, because of an unwelcome confluence with the news?

From Fantastic Four #119 (1972)

1 comment:

  1. On the tv series Greatest American Hero, the civilian/non-costumed alter-ego "Ralph Hinkley" became "Ralph HANLEY" after John Hinkley shot at Ronald Reagan.
    The name change lasted only through the last half of the first season.
    By the second season, the character was "Hinkley" again.
