Tuesday, September 15, 2015

DC's Perverse Fountain Of Youth

Congressperson Barbara Gordon is on a groovy sight-seeing trip...

Got that? That's about as clear a statement as you can get pre-Crisis: Barbara is in Congress, Dick is in his freshman year at Hudson University. And Babs is at least 6 years older than Dick--perhaps more.

Not that there's anything wrong with that, but that's precisely the opposite of what nu52 DC has now, right? Grayson is now the confident adult, while Barbara is the barely-competent-just-in-college hero.

I have no really deep thoughts here, except to note that when you take the "Burnside Batgirl" and the DCYou Black Canary, you might get the impression that some comic companies would rather feature feckless girls as heroes rather than competent women...

From Batman Family #10 (1977)


  1. A DCYOU Black Canary different than the one that fought on TEAM 7, which was supposed to be set during that five year gap (I think) between ACTION and JUSTICE LEAGUE. Why DC just doesn't admit BC is a reboot like Batgirl is beyond me.

  2. The regression since the 70s and 80s is sort of scary.
