Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Through The Looking Glass--OF DEATH!!!!

Man, I've been cranky this week!

Between Fox getting the Fantastic Four all wrong, to DC deciding to make Hour-Man a decapitating monster, I've been getting a teensy bit worked up.

So today I'll just read an older comic book, one that doesn't take the beloved characters of my childhood and turn them into monsters, and--

Oh, goddammit!!

See, Richard has to find presents for his children Alice and Freddy, when he comes across...

Oh, yes, so dear...

Well, at least young Alice loves them:

Well, that night, when Freddy tries to take on apart...


So. The beloved characters from Alice In Wonderland are really diminutive aliens come to Earth to steal children for study. And they've come back disguised as toys to take you!!!

Fortunately, Pop shows up, the aliens let the paralysis beam fall off of Freddy, and...

And so another childhood dreams ends in alien invasion, kidnapping and wanton death. Let that be a lesson next time you invest in collectible figures!!

Really, what is it with this week?!?

From Lost Worlds #5 (1952)