Friday, August 21, 2015

The Best Cover You've Never Seen--Iron Man #307 (1994)

Artist Tom Morgan's work isn't remembered by many these days...

...but he was straight up tripping balls in his brief Iron Man run.

Plus, in this issue, Tony Stark invented the Matrix--five years early!!


Of course, whereas Neo and company got cool sunglasses and leather and trench coats...

...Tony Stark's self-image was a lot doofier!

And, yeah, there was a bad guy in there:

Yes, of course Vor/Tex stood for something:

Trippin'. Balls.


  1. That isn't really how acronyms work, is it?

  2. Like an emergent AI should be bound by your human grammar rules, man...

  3. Ha!I guess for myself, Tom Morgan proably should get more love for the work he did on IM at the time, plus his other work on other titles. He wasn't the best, but he was better than most of the IMage clones Marvel was hiring/looking for back then.
    Very trippy panel and issue though. I don't have this one, but I had a fair amount of his IM run as artist, and #300 is still one of my favorites he did. Drawing Ultimo at th size that he did, plus the other older armors? Yeah, I was a big fan of that.
