Saturday, July 4, 2015

The Proper Way To Celebrate July 4th!!

Let me join the (seemingly) thousands of people out there who will chide you about not observing the holiday the "right" way.

THIS is how you should celebrate the Fourth Of July:



Woo hoo!!


...if you're not running through the streets screaming, "MADBOMB!!", then you're not observing the 4th of July properly!!

From Captain America #194, #199, #200 and #193 (1976)


  1. Yeah, you could never accuse Kirby of being subtle. Taurey = Tory; Heshin = Hessian. There was probably lots more like that but the only thing I remember from that story is thinking, "what happened to Kirby? He used to be GREAT!"

  2. Wait, so we aren't supposed to run through the streets yelling "MADBOMB!" the rest of the year? I suppose that doing so while where white after Labor Day is particularly gauche on my part...
