Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Superboy--Capitalist Tool!!

Young Mxyzptlk has come to Smallville to be the town's "fairy godfather":

Well, honestly, it's no surprise what everyone wishes for...

So predictable!

Well, the Smallville 1% can't let this go on!

Of course, Superboy is a tool of the already-rich in their attempt to keep down the peons:

Smallville has an economy?!?

And so Superboy keeps unlimited riches out of the hands of the unwashed masses. We can't upset the natural order, after all!! I mean, if the everyone is wealthy, how will the rich be able to tell that they're superior??

From Superboy #120 (1965)


  1. "I mean, if the everyone is wealthy, how will the rich be able to tell that they're superior??"

    Stars on their chests?

  2. Presumably all the loot went to build the Fortress of Solitude.
