Monday, June 15, 2015

Manic Monday Triple Overtime--Back When People Trusted Super-Heroes

It's very early in Superboy's career, and the world isn't quite sure what to make of our hero:

Gee, if these keeps up, there will a SyFy "reality" series about "Superboy Hunters" or some such nonsense...

Well, a young Daily Planet reporter named Perry White comes to Smallville, looking to break the story. And Kal-El decides that this is a good way to set the record straight!

...or a robot demon...or a time-traveling robot demon...or...

So, old-school pre-Crisis America--much more mature than nu52 America, where it seems that the default reaction to Superman is to hate him, try to beat him up, sterilize anything he's ever touched, and lock him up until they can find a way to kill him. No honorary citizenships or White House ceremonies for nu52 Kal-El...

From The New Adventures Of Superboy #12 (1980)


  1. Eisnerhower's logic is perfect.

    Who's pencils are those? Almost got a Ditko vibe off them.

  2. This story was penciled by Romeo Tanghal and inked by Kim Demulder.
