Saturday, June 27, 2015

Jean Grey--Easter Bunny, Or Biscuit??

And then there was that time that Jean Grey became a swimsuit model!

"She's fresh, boss lady! Like an Easter Bunny, or an oven-hot biscuit!"

I have no idea what that even means...

OK, is that the Bunny, or the biscuit?!?

Yes, the FBI ordered the X-Men to split up and go undercover...well, because!!

So Jean is just posing as a small-town girl come to the big city for her first modelling job!!

Don't worry, Scott has his cover identity, too!

He's the hunky jealous boyfriend who also is a news reporter on a radio station!

In about a trillion years, I would never think of Scott Summers as a "Lee Marvin type." Still, if the ladies like it...

Yowza--the swinging 60s!!

From X-Men #48 (1968)


  1. Wait, they hired four models but only took pictures of Jean? I can understand why the other three were a bit miffed!

  2. All I can think of with that third panel is "Design by Ulysses Klaw". (Is it just me? Probably.)

  3. You have to love Arnold Drake's writing. It could easily have been Hollywood producers talking about Elasti-Girl. Bonus: we get to see exactly how Rob Liefeld would draw naked feet. Gaaaah.
