Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Green Arrow Is No Hawkeye, But...

Let's start with a bit of gratuitous Hal Jordan bashing, shall we?

That feels so good. But Ollie feels left out...

Anyway, as we saw yesterday, Black Canary was severely injured by a hit and run driver. And apparently, Oliver Queen is the only guy anywhere near by with matching blood.

Unfortunately, Ollie is hanging out at a monastery. Why? Well, a few issues ago, he accidentally killed a crook with an arrow! He feels so guilty, he can't use his bow anymore, so he quits heroing, and retires to a California monastery!!

[Special Note To The Arrow TV Show: See, heroes feel guilty when they kill someone. Like it's not something that heroes should be doing. A-hem]

So Hal goes to fetch Oliver, and needlessly humiliates a hunter in the process. That's the guy who cold-cocked our heroes. And for a civilian hunter, well, he comes up with a pretty good death-trap for a rookie:

Most powerful weapon in the universe? Greatest Green Lantern of all? Puh-lease...

Oliver uses an arrowhead to to cut himself loose...but can he take the shot?

Look, there is no possible universe in which Green Arrow will ever be as cool as Hawkeye. Just won't happen.

But that wasn't bad, Oliver. Not too bad at all.

From Flash #219 (1973)


  1. Ollie's chilli touches a peaceful glade?

  2. In fairness the tv Ollie evolves from a hero willing to kill in Season 1 to one that aims to wound in the later seasons.

  3. Oh please. Ollie has a hotter girlfriend, and doesn't wear purple tights. He is almost Batman level cool. Hawkeye? he's cooler than Antman, but not by much.

  4. Oh, Ollie does have his moments. I do hope he remembered to cut Hal loose.

  5. Bill--Ollie's a spoiled 1%er. Hawkeye grew up in the circus. You can argue that Dinah is hotter than the Black Widow or Mockingbird. You'd be wrong. Hawkeye has straight up beaten the Collector and the Grandmaster--solo. It's not even a contest...

  6. Fight the power, Snell.

    WCA forever!
