Thursday, April 2, 2015

X-Men Quote Quiz, Or, Why I Don't Read The X-Titles!

Hey, how about another quiz?

As a hint, I can tell you that this is from X-Men Unlimited #16 (1997). And, because I am a kind and loving Monstrobot, I won't make you come up with the issue the quote is from. Just gimme the character.

Ready? Go!

OK, OK, that one was too easy...

Nah, you won't get this one...

Sigh...if you guys are going to spell out every bit of dialect phonetically, this is going to be a pretty easy quiz...

All right, when you mention their specific mutant powers, that kind of give away the game, no? You're not guessing the mutant from "their choice of words."

Man, that quote pretty much sums up why I don't read the X-titles...

OK, this is a good one...

Meh. You won't get this one. Or maybe you will...

Because we're afraid the metaphor is too subtle, we had to drop the phrase "affirmative action" into there...

Seriously. The X-Franchise's crime against accents and dialects are never-ending.

And "eeewwwww".

Surprisingly subtle on the accent...

Truly, a heart-warming tale.

Oh, c'mon now!


Maybe because you're such a whiny putz...?

Answers, if you need them (or care) provided tomorrow.


  1. wink wink, nudge nudge.

    They aren't making it too difficult are they?

  2. Almost disturbing how these go back and forth between blindingly obvious and completely obscure...

  3. I'm not sure which is sadder: that there's two I can't place, or that I'm reasonably sure I know all of them but those two. (#6 and #7, for the record.)
