Saturday, April 4, 2015

If You Thought The Negotiations With Iran Were Tough...


...I don't see this going too successfully for the United Nations, do you?

I mean, I'd wager that Doom got word of the "censure" and just laughed his armored butt off.

Latveria's already got to be facing every sanction in the book, right? So, no, I doubt a sternly worded memo from the international community will work here.

Plus, of course, the U.N. is several years too late, as Doom's "temporal experiments" have been going on since Fantastic Four #5. Even with a sliding Marvel timescale, that's before Reed & Sue married, and before Franklin was born. Tom Brevoort has said that Franklin is 8, which means that Doom has been using time travel for nearly a decade. What the hell took you so long, Ban Ki-Moon?

(Maybe Russia or China kept vetoing the censure is the Security Council, in exchange for Doom providing with enough high tech weaponry to offset what Stark was making for the Americans. Of course, the Doom-tech was filled with secret code and back doors and what have you that gave Doom complete control of the Chinese military or Russian government or what have you, so that ended that little collaboration...)

From Avengers: Ultron Forever #1 (2015)

1 comment:

  1. "Maybe Russia or China kept vetoing the censure is the Security Council, in exchange for Doom providing with enough high tech weaponry to offset what Stark was making for the Americans."

    I'm sure Titanium Man and Crimson Dynamo had to have some Doom Tech...
