Monday, February 9, 2015

Manic Monday--Great Moments In Silver Age Architecture: Lighthouses!!

There's something pretty unique in Metropolis Harbor...

Or is it unique? A few years ago, we discovered that this existed in a "nearby city" to Metropolis:

So, did every DC Silver Age town have a super-hero lighthouse?

That just seems so dang appropriate, doesn't it?

Of course, that means that Coast City would have had a Hal Jordan lighthouse, and that must have been responsible for so many naval disasters...Did a jealous Central City have a Flash lighthouse, even without a large body of water, because they didn't want to feel left out?

Of course, you'd think that some of these lighthouses still existed in the future. Did Kamandi go traipsing about in some of them, chased by Tiger-men or what-have-you? In the DC version of Planet Of The Apes, did Charlton Heston discover a half buried Superman lighthouse that clued him in that this had been Earth all along? Could the Legion Of Super-Heroes, as part of their try-outs for new members, have potential recruits have to each bring back a souvenir from a different one of the lighthouses? Could there have been a story where all of the super-hero lighthouses came to life, imbued by the spirit of Earth's population, to defend our planet when the Justice League was stuck on Earth-2?

Oh, Silver Age, how I miss you...

Superman lighthouse is from Action Comics #464 (1976). Green Arrow lighthouse is from World's Finest #122 (1961). Other lighthouses all from snell's imagination, which is why he's not allowed to write comics...


  1. We need more giant glowing statues!

  2. Keep casting light on the stranger corners of comics!

    Just think, on some Elseworld, Arthur Curry's dad raised him in a Namor lighthouse.
