Saturday, November 8, 2014

And Then There Was That Time The Lady Defenders Were Walking The Streets Of Las Vegas!

What happens in Vegas...

Yeah, that was the actual Defenders line-up for like 10 minutes...

Man, I miss the Defenders...
Isn't about time Marvel takes another crack at them...?

Panel from Defenders #77 (1979). Great Sal Buscema pin-up from Defenders #6 (1973)


  1. That first picture has four female superheroes, and only ONE of them is scantily-clad! What was wrong with comics back then? :)

  2. OTL--I shall leave it to others to discuss whether skin-tight-leaves-nothing-to-the-imagination unitards count as "scantily clad."

  3. I agree, wghere ARE the Defenders, it's been weeks...

    I always liked that Jan costume, but Val sorely misses her cosmic eggcups (they'd fit Moonie's head nicely).
