Thursday, June 26, 2014

The World's Slowest Home Run Trot?!?!

Look, I know I've already done a number of baseball posts this week--but can I help it if I keep finding them damn stories?!?

So let's watch a home run!'s a long way around the bases, I guess...

What the...?

OK, you have to admit--that's an insanely cool premise for a story...something Twilight Zone or X-Files or Doctor Who...

Sadly, though, it's just a Golden Age story with an insane guy using his reverse fountain of youth chemicals to age people...oh, hell, just let Dr. Time give you the insanely lengthy exposition himself:

Geez, is he still talking...?

From Target Comics #17 (1941)


  1. Who are the heroes witnessing the confession there?

  2. That is Target and the Targeteers...more about them on Saturday...

  3. I believe this happened in Damn Yankees.
