Tuesday, June 10, 2014

The Adventures Of Batroc's Canadian Cousin?

Presenting the adventures of...

Oh, Lumber Jack, what mischief have you gotten yourself into this time?

True, true...

Zut alors!!!

For the record, I would pay one trillion quatloos to see this guy face off against Captain America...

From Master Comics #96 (1948). No actual French Canadians were hurt in the production of this post.


  1. Actually, I feel my usual headache as a French Canadian that Lumber Jack's accent is rather French from France. But that always happens in comics.

    And why's he got such an English name? I propose Jos LaBuche or something. Or if it NEEDS to be a pun, how about Butch Rond (so Bûcheron, which translates as Lumberjack).

    Anyway, boo for making me expect kicks to the head. I mean, literal ones.

  2. He's a Lumberjack, and He's ok.
