Saturday, June 21, 2014

Spoiler Saturday--The True Explanation For All Comic Book Science!

Minor spoilers ahead for this week's Silver Surfer #3--go away if you don't want to know!

Spoilers start after 3 broody Silver Surfer covers...

OK, so normal Earth gal and current companion of Norrin Radd Dawn Greenwood is taking her first space trip with him aboard the board...

So next time some smarty-pants know-it-all blogger ( me) questions the science in a comic book, just point them here, so they can be reminded it's just a comic, they should really just relax.

Seriously, that is so much more satisfying than any 2-page Handbook Of The Marvel Universe explanation of his powers. Just roll with it! Much like Doctor Who, the Silver Surfer has the power of...convenience!!

At least Dan Slott finally admits it, 50 some years after the Surfer first whined his way into our hearts....

1 comment:

  1. You have to admit, that convenience is one heck of a superpower.
