Monday, June 2, 2014

Manic Monday Triple Overtime--If You Thought Regular Asgardian Font Was Bad...

I think I'm on record as thoroughly hating and despising the "Asgardian Font" that Marvel policy requires to be used for Thor and anyone from Asgard.

I mean, what does it signify? Do Asgardians somehow sound different than everyone else? Are they speaking a different language that is being translated by godly means? Do the writers and editors somehow think that we won't know if a particularly character is Asgardian doesn't use this font--even in captions?!?!? think that people go on jihads against Comic Sans yet raise not a single complaint against this abomination!!

Oh, but it could have been worse.

In UltraForce/Avengers #1 (1995), a powerful and slightly insane entity has captured the Soul Gems, and created a mash-up version of the Marvel and Malibu universes, which mainly consists of Ultraverse characters taking on classic Marvel roles.

So as mash-up Thor confronts mash-up Loki...

Ye. Gods. Abysmal font PLUS yellow word balloons. Fortunately, that never caught on.

Still, we should note that it took a multiversal crisis, an insane god and 7 Soul Gems to create a font worse than Marvel's Asgardian font...that's how bad Asgardian font is.


1 comment:

  1. I want to be generous and theorize that some of these guys are Walt Kelly fans.
