Monday, May 12, 2014

Manic Monday Bonus--Damn, That Imp Is Annoying!!

If it's possible for Mxyzptlk to be even more annoying...

...this house ad manages that feat.

Seriously, you expect me to read all of that? I'm old, dammit!

And the subscription deal?

10 issues for a dollar?!? That's even better than the Quarter Bin!!

Here's the list of titles available for subscription...

I think that's actually a partial list of failed nu52 titles and potential replacements. So what replaces Infinity Man and The Forever People when it's cancelled in 8 months? My money is on Fox & Crow...

Ad appeared in Superman #184 (1966)

1 comment:

  1. I talked my folks into taking advantage of the DC subscription offer (in its frontward-reading form) and discovered that the comics arrived machine-folded down the middle. This was years before I became a Collector, but I can tell you I was pissed. And the stupid comics were hard read.
