Tuesday, April 8, 2014

The Best Silver Age Use Of Flappy Birds?

So, Nikkor, a douchebag from Mera's home dimension, has slipped her a roofie, and the queen agrees to sell the Atlanteans into slavery, to a scummy aquatic park owner who uses them in his shows!!

Yeah, I know. And that's only 6 pages into the story!!

Aquaman rescues them, but gets caught himself in the process. And T.T. Taggert has a great plan to get his Atlanteans back!

And so they dump the body...

But wait--Arthur is not dead!

Fortunately for you folks, I'm a merciful Monstrobot, and I won't make you wait that long! The way Aquaman survived is...

What?!? But a sea gull is a bird...?!?

Huh?!?! So these guys didn't have watches? Or some other clock they would look at?

Whaaaa...? They didn't actually check his pulse or anything...? And they just dumped the Sea King's body...into the sea? And...

Forget it, guys...It's Silver Age.

Still, that must be a handy talent come Daylight Savings Time...

From Aquaman #19 (1965)


  1. Does this mean that Aquaman can control penguins?

  2. Well think about it. He can control anything from fish to cephalopods to cetaceans. Why not birds?

    My No-Prize explanation is that he needs the sea as a conduit for his telepathy, like the salt water these animals drink/breathe makes them more susceptible to his mind control.

  3. I would have gone with the fish they consume...but then again, that would make everyone who ever ate at Red Lobster subject to his control. STORY IDEA!!!

  4. Could he just spit on himself in order to survive?

    (I remember a story published in the late 80's/early 90's where a criminal was trying to keep him away from the ocean for an hour but it was raining and the crook couldn't figure out why Aquaman wasn't losing his powers....)

  5. No, because he would be too dehydrated to spit.

